Friday, January 29, 2010

Should the Conservatives/UUP form electoral pacts with the DUP?

That's the question asked in my new poll which I will be only running for a week this time. With seemingly a continuous drip/drip of revelations (see update to yesterday's Kane post) regarding *secret* talks on this matter, it'll be interesting to see what you all think.

Mine was the first vote...a definite "no", as you would have probably guessed.

The fact that the DUP wish to destroy the UUP is hardly news surely to Sir Reg?
Ulster Unionist leader Sir Reg Empey has accused the DUP of attempting to wreck his party despite recent talks hosted by the Orange Order on unionist unity.

After assuring the Tories their partnership remains, he said: "Cooperation is not always achievable.

"Indeed, it makes it much more difficult when a significant aim of one of the organisations you are dealing with is to destroy you."
The more pertinent question is why then have you given them a helping hand over the last two months? A leopard does not change its spots. Two weeks ago, the DUPes were in serious disarray; today the Conservative and Unionist agreement is in very serious danger of unravelling- how's that happened?

Update 2

From Bobballs:
I am hearing on good authority that the DUP has suspended all Westminster selections until further notice. This is as a result of ‘pact’ talks
Could be Dupe mischief-making, of course...


Gareth said...

I voted no - but then I don't think that the Tories should have made an electoral pact with the DUP.

Timothy Belmont said...

Ideally I'd like to see "Unionist Unity". We can ill afford to fragment any more; and the old cliche, Strength in Numbers pertains.

Whilst I may still have fundamentally integrationist tendencies - in a UK sense - and, at heart, the DUP is not my home ground - I wonder, as the years progress, whether we may be compelled to unite under one Unionist banner.

I intend to vote Conservative & Unionist, at any rate.

O'Neill said...

Toque, slip of the keys, I'm sure, but you're getting your DUPs and UUPs mixed up!


It's very rare that I'll post up a Jim Allister link on here, but with the headline at least he's got it spot on here:

It's panic not conviction driving this; short-term this might deliver two seats to Unionism (and save the DUP embarassment at the ballot box), long-term it does nothing to develop and strengthen the Unionist brand. In years to come, I hope that we have no longer any need for a Unionist banner but as in Scotland and wales we have *normal* parties who just so happen also happen to reflect the pro-Union tendencies of the majority of the population.

Timothy Belmont said...

Agreed; though the Conservatives, to their credit, have remained steadfast with us.

There's still no sign of the Labour Party or, for that matter, the Liberals, organizing in NI.

I'd like to see mainstream parties here too.

tony said...

Why have you not got this labelled under "bigotry" Oneil?

What was I saying about integrity before?

Dilettante said...

Absolutely not. If we're going to retrench the sectarianism, what's the point of the UCUNF? Only to block the demise of the Union or something similarly dire, in my view.

O'Neill said...


Why have you not got this labelled under "bigotry" Oneil?

Depending on what was discussed (which is still not fully known), meeting with the DUP in itself is not bigotted.

I'm probably being naive in still holding out hope that RE (and by extension Paterson and the Conservatives) have been stitched up good and proper by the DUPs with this set of *revelations* and leaks...on the other hand nobody has forced these set of meetings and they do seem to have the hand of the *cultural* wing of the UUP, as much as the DUP behind them.

O'Neill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
O'Neill said...

Manc Unionist

It's a very unscientific test of opinion and a very low sample so far but it's good to know there are others thinking along the same lines.

Did you get the email?

Anonymous said...

Commenting on UUP & DUP talks, Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Owen Paterson said:

“In his capacity as Ulster Unionist leader, Sir Reg Empey regularly meets all strands of opinion throughout Northern Ireland. He referred ‘in passing’ to a meeting, requested in October and held in December, but I was not aware of the content or the participants.

“As there was nothing of consequence arising from the meeting he did not mention it to me again. Sir Reg Empey has made clear to me that it has no bearing on our joint determination to stand together as ‘Conservatives and Unionists’ at the forthcoming Westminster elections to bring national, mainstream and non-sectarian politics to Northern Ireland.”

tony said...

>>Depending on what was discussed (which is still not fully known), meeting with the DUP in itself is not bigotted.<<

C'mon Oneil piss or get aff the pot! You know fine well that where they met, who is orchestrating it, the Tories kept out of the loop, the Catholic prospective candidates bolting, what the meeting signifies means all. Even trying to put up a defence is beneath you. I've already stated on slugger that I am dissapointed with the whole scenario as the UNCUF idea was good for ordinary unionists because it gave them a non-sectarian political vehicle. Even the veneer of that has gone now. Perhaps my naivety is showing through but our discussions here led me to believe that you guys were genuine.

Utter condemnation is required and you know it!

O'Neill said...

Utter condemnation is required and you know it!

If a deal with the DUP re seats and pacts was arranged (and that'll inevitably come to light at some stage) for what it's worth, you'll get it.

Don't underestimate the hostility felt by many in the UUP towards the DUP though. What may or may not agreed behind closed doors may not have much effect when there is an attempt to sell it to the constituency associations.

GavBelfast said...

The Conservative Party needs to be: commit to (and sell, within and without) UCUNF 100%, as we will maintain our commitment reardless to stand Conservative and Unionist candidates in every constituency in the UK.

Piss or get off the pot indeed.

thedissenter said...

There was once a difference between the DUP and UUP, but that is harder to find today - look at the talks at Hillsborough and explain how the two approaches differ other than by way of detail. Sadly, it is not clear what the UUP is for any longer and why wouldn't they in a Stormont context come together. In part this may be electoral mathematics, More likely it comes to what local Unionists are hearing on the ground and Conservatives would have to travel east of the Lagan to find out what that would be.

O'Neill said...

There was once a difference between the DUP and UUP, but that is harder to find today

Unfortunately I'm reluctantly coming round to that opinion but that would then leave a whole swathe of pro-Union opinion (east of the Bann at least) without a voice. Your final sentence Did you mean east of the Lagan or east of Ulster? If it's the former, I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Gareth said...

Toque, slip of the keys, I'm sure, but you're getting your DUPs and UUPs mixed up!

Yup, you're right. I was opposed to a link up with the UUP, and I'm extremely opposed to a link up with the DUP.

I don't want outsiders influencing English politics, especially not the likes of the DUP.

O'Neill said...

I don't want outsiders influencing English politics, especially not the likes of the DUP.


the "U" in DUP stands for "Ulster", the "P" for "parochialism", I think in the highly unlikely event they merge with the Conservatives you won't have much to worry about in influencing anything in England.

thedissenter said...

Should have been West of the Lagan.