Friday, November 7, 2008

Well, well, well...the predicted earthquake passes Fife by.

The kingdom of fife should hang its ugly unionist head in shame.
Pathetic little no marks put a muppet like roy to krap on them on behave of london labour.
You idiots will get what you deserve.
Fifers are anti scottish and a disgrace to their country.

Throw in a few more "scums" and "traitors" and I think it's fair to say that the Cybernats are in full meltdown mode this morning.

And here’s the reason why:

Labour candidate Lindsay Roy has won the Glenrothes by-election with a 4.96% swing from Labour to the SNP. Here is the result in full:

• Lindsay Roy, Labour - 19,946
• Peter Grant, SNP - 13,209
• Maurice Golden, Conservative - 1,381
• Harry Wills, Lib Dem - 947
• Jim Parker, SSCUP - 296
• Morag Balfour, Scottish Socialist Party - 212
• Kris Seunarine, UKIP - 117
• Louise McLeary, Solidarity - 87
Labour majority: 6,737

After what I said last week, it would be hypocritical for me to crow...but just a couple of neutralish observations:

1. The Tory and LD vote has collapsed I suspect because there has been a concentrated joint effort amongst Unionists of all shades to deny Salmond his "earthquake". I’m not a big fan of tactical voting and I don’t think the situation is quite that bad yet to necessitate it; but still, it’s handy to know that if and when the chips would be really down, then it will be the Union rather than mere partisan party preferences which will determine who the majority anti-separatist electorate will be plumping for.

2.I really think the SNP have been outspun on this one. There was a curious quote at the beginning of the week from Labour “insiders” saying that they were pessimistic about the result here; a full week before the election it struck me as a bit defeatist in comparison to the SNP’s triumphalism. But it might just have galvanished the silent majority again out of their apathy.

Bubbles haven't quite yet been burst and we do really still need to get rid of Brown, but further to yesterday's post, yeah, I think we're most definitely back on track.


Owen Polley said...

I wouldn't normally celebrate a Labour victory, but yeeoooooooo!

Anonymous said...

But is it Salmond's Waterloo or merely his Arnhem?

As the English Tories strive slowly but surely in a bloody fight towards Berlin------

O'Neill said...

As the English Tories strive slowly but surely in a bloody fight towards Berlin------

Dave and the Scot. Tories really need to get their finger out and set out firmly where they stand re devolution, at the minute they coulkd be charitably described as "Labour Lite". Whay things are going there's more chance of a Tory MP in Northern Ireland than Scotland.

Anonymous said...

Like Blair was a like Thatcher-lite, Cameron is Blair-lite.

I like to call the sort of politics "Camerblairism" - a cheesy new form of politics!

To be frank O'Neill on your previous question - "What are the Scottish Conservatives for?" - they are there to represent the political right (i.e. minimal government, low taxation etc) in Scotland. Not everything the Scottish Tories do should be tied with the constitution.

For me, how will the Tories run in Scotland at the next UK General Election, I think they will increase their representation but only four at max.

The voting system goes against all the parties in Scotland except Labour. At one point they had 70% of the seats with just over 40% of the vote. Very democratic.

Despite Salmond's hubris of 20 seats I think the SNP will realistically pick up max in 2010 (or maybe 2009) a dozen seats at most. Ochil, Dundee West, Kilmarnock and some seats in the Falkirk-West Lothian zone.

The Tories will not reform the voting system for the Commons. This means they will constantly get a poor showing in Scotland and Wales and therefore strengthen the nationalist hand, particularly if their Gauleiter, I mean Sec of State starts throwing their weight around.

It could be solved by changing the voting system. But the patriotic party for all the unionist aspirtions at more interested in party than patria. I.e. wanting absolute power simple majority voting gives them.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty grim if you're a non-socialist unionist or seperatist up in Scotland isn't it? Who on Earth could you vote for? It's almost unthinkable that unionists would hold their noses and vote Labour when this government have done their very hardest to destroy what makes Britishness distinct from all but a very few countries (Ireland, Denmark and New Zealand are the only countries I can think of that are like us).

Borges said...

I think it was more a vote against care charges and arrogance rather than a vote for the Union.

O'Neill said...

To be frank O'Neill on your previous question - "What are the Scottish Conservatives for?" - they are there to represent the political right (i.e. minimal government, low taxation etc) in Scotland.

Theoretically yes, but they're obviously not doing a very good job of it, if their drop of support since the creation of devolution is anything to go by. I'd have to agree with Paul, that evn ignoring constitutional issues, they are simply not offering a worthwhile alternative to the Big 2 in Scotland.