Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Quote of the day:

Diane Abbott at Our Kingdom:
4) The recent controversy over the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi has exposed a new dimension to the West Lothian question, and illustrates the continuing contradictions between the unitary and devolved elements of the UK's political structure. Is the eventual formation of a devolved English Parliament now inevitable? If not, how should the West Lothian question be dealt with?

The recent controversy over the release of al-Megrahi was largely got up by the media. The constitutional position is already very clear. It was a matter for the Scottish Parliament under Scottish law. An English parliament would not have altered the situation. So I do not think that a devolved English Parliament is by any means inevitable
The al-Megrahi controversy was media-driven then? Hmmm...


Anonymous said...

The basic reason that the Scottish Executive released Baset al-Megrahi was because they could; because they had the power to do so.

Anything and everything the SNP can do that annoys or undermines London, and that heightens or extends their autonomy has to be done, whatever the cost or the morality.

This must be grasped even if it is utterly unstateable by Salmond and his Scottish Ministers, and incomprehensible to BBC interviewers etc., who don't understand nationalism.

Salmondnet said...

True, without the Scottish Parliament the decision would still have been taken under Scots law, but by the Secretary of State For Scotland, a member of, and answerable to the UK cabinet. The UK government would therefore have had an input into it and would have had to take responsibility for it.

Ms Abbott will not recognise the need for an English Parliament until it bites her ample behind.

Anonymous said...

The question is a bit strange in that I fail to see what the connection is between the al-Megrahi release and the WLQ/English Parliament issue.

The decision also had nothing to do with the Scottish Parliament and was not even a Scottish government decision. The decision was a quasi-judicial one, taken by Kenny MacAskill in his capacity as Justice Secretary, and as such due process had to be followed.