Thursday, April 1, 2010

The UDR's 40th anniversary

Today is the 40th anniversary of the UDR becoming operational.

More on their history can be read here.


Gary said...

Prepare for the mopery O'Neill.

Timothy Belmont said...

It's good to be reminded about the Ulster Defence Regiment, their sacrifices and duty to Northern Ireland during the very worst times of the troubles.

Many, many honourable and fine people, man and women, joined voluntarily, too, as part-timers, as the RUC Reservists.

tony said...

A local militia organisation that terrorised the Irish in their own land.

How grand that remembering 'terrorists' is not limited to nationalists!

O'Neill said...

"A local militia organisation that terrorised the Irish in their own land."

No, you're wrong on a number of levels. Rather than answering it here, I'll repost something I did about the British Army (including the UDR) in N.Ireland on Monday.