Friday, March 12, 2010

Nick wants to make friends, Angela's still sulking in the corner.

Last year when the Conservatives left the federalist EPP grouping in the EU, it was predicted that the poor old UK would, in the event of a Cameron government, be left outside whilst the French and Germans stitched us up discussed how best to push forward the European dream.

"Mr Sarkozy's officials and senior party colleagues are keen to establish a dialogue with Mr Cameron's team to find out where they stand on financial regulation, defence and the EU, and to explore the potential for co-operation."
Quelle surprise, pragmatism overwhelms principle once again in EU-World. Admittedly Ms Merkel still apparently has the personal hump with Cameron but even there, the Conservatives won't be too disturbed to have this School-Mistressly comment made widespread:
"The chancellor's attitude is that if David Cameron becomes prime minister, he must calm down his attitude to Europe,"
"Behave like good little European-Unionists or you'll get no more milk (subsidies)".

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