Friday, February 5, 2010

Quote of the day

"Policing and Justice" in our time...but exactly how many Dupes made the "unanimous" decision?
Robinson said it was a unanimous decision+everyone who started in the room stayed in the room-but were all MLAs in the room to start with?
Stormont "insider", Stewart Finn on Twitter.


A quick read of the agreement produced this little highlight:

"Parading - Timetable Assumes maximum priority in Assembly at all stages."

Sod education, environment, attracting investment...

Update 2

Despite the criticism from the usual suspects...
The UUP will seek clarification from Prime Minister Gordon Brown about the deal reached by the DUP and Sinn Fein, party leader Sir Reg Empey has said.

Sir Reg said his party should have been told what the agreement contained before it was made public.

He refused to give an undertaking that the UUP would take part in discussions on Monday about a new justice minister.

He said the UUP needs clarity on issues such as the Presbyterian Mutual Society which do not feature in the agreement.
...a perfectly valid position to take. Only the Dupes and SF have reached agreement, no one else and that agreement may or may not have contained a few below-the-counters to push things along. The UUP (and SDLP) can't be expected to meekly fall in line merely because The Peace Process demands it without first knowing all the information available to the other parties.

Update 3

Breaking news...
Alliance Leader David Ford has said his party will not take the proposed Policing and Justice Ministry following speculation on the issue in recent times. The Alliance Assembly Group met this morning at Stormont and discussed the matter.

David Ford said: "The Alliance Party will not be taking the Policing and Justice Ministry. This Executive is failing in its duties, so Northern Ireland needs a strong and coherent opposition. We are providing that opposition and we will continue to do so.
Pregnant pause...check the date...Alliance hypocrites.

Thanks to Michael.

Update 4

I got it wrong, an Alliance backbone spotted in the area:
Alliance Party leader David Ford has said that his party will not nominate for the post of justice minister.

Mr Ford - who is the favourite to take the position eventually - has said his party is not yet in a position to put forward a name

1 comment:

tony said...

Wee Daniel O'donnell popped out for a show perhaps?