Sunday, February 14, 2010

Do we really want to follow the US example?

Christians "rewriting party doctrine", evangelicals being bussed in to influence open primaries, "rightwing political correctness" (ie "pro-nuclear power, pro-nuclear weapons, pro-army, pro-life."). On the face of it, to a secular, social liberal it all sounds scarey stuff, especially when it is coming from the party likely to form the next government.

This article details a situation, however, much more nuanced than that. Still, bearing in mind Montgomerie's admiration for "US Christian conservativism", something worth keeping an eye on.

(The FT asks you not to copy and paste, hence the lack of direct quotes. Do read the article, it's a good one)


Anonymous said...

Christians "rewriting party doctrine", evangelicals being bussed in to influence open primaries, "rightwing political correctness"

Sounds like Ulster Unionism writ large on "the mainland".

What fun.

O'Neill said...

Sounds like Ulster Unionism writ large on "the mainland".

You've missed the irony.

A better comparison would be a secular, social liberal, insurgency in Ulster Unionism upsetting the evangelical, right-wing establishment. Indeed, the MLA, David McNarry has already warned trad Unionists to be on the watch for an infiltration of, and I quote directly:

"latent wide-boy liberalistos" "looking at politics through the bottom of a cocktail glass"

I think MrMcNarry can rest easy as I don't think we've quite got to the stage of bussing in raging pinko atheists to infiltrate the local branches in the likes of Ballymallard or Sandy Row quite yet but who knows what may happen in the future?;)