Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Worth Every Penny?

The Mickey Mouse Assembly (or at least, the Stormont version) has been only up and running since 8th May but already the leeche..sorry our hard-working elected representatives, have worked their way through seven hundred thousand quids worth of expenses (that's not including their salaries)

The Dear Leader totted up £9,828's worth of paper-clips, whilst Paisley Jr outdid pa by a cool 1,200 GBP. But dwarfing both was Foyle MLA Mary Bradley who ran up £18,757 on her daily private jet flights from her backgarden in the Bogside to the lawn at Stormont (allegedly).

Value for money?
Bargain, certainly, especially when you look at how they've been occupying their time.

And as a "spokeswoman" for the Assembly pointed out:

"These are expenses claimed and paid in the period since restoration of the Assembly.

"The figures do not relate solely to expenses incurred in that period as they are also likely to include some claims for expenses incurred between 1 April 2007 and 7 May 2007 but paid after restoration."

So, following that logic, some expenses "incurred" post 8th May are not even included yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I despair :(