Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vote "Yes for Wales" or the puppy gets it!

In presumably what's an attempt to get more than 40% of the electorate interested in their referendum, the Welsh Political Establishment have issued this leaflet, which contains a very interesting claim:
Fairer Funding for Wales

But it could also mean more money for Wales.

The government in London has said it will only consider fairer funding for Wales if we get a yes-vote in the referendum.

With fairer funding, we can put more money into schools and hospitals.

So vote yes if you want a stronger voice for Wales and more money for public services in Wales.
Did the "government in London" really promise that?

Even principled nationalist bloggers are expressing their doubts about the direction the "Yes" campaign is heading.


The North Briton said...

A roundabout way of trying to purchase votes. Deeply unpalatable.

Anonymous said...

It was said that the issue would be looked at after the referendum, but I doubt that we will now get another penny after the student fee issue. For me, it is now about having self respect and enough belief in ourselves to make best use of the powers we have. If we cannot trust ourselves to do this, why should London trust us?

O'Neill said...

That would be a much more honest argument to make than the one the official campign are presently trying to push.