Monday, February 15, 2010

Haven't you forgotten something...

OK, here’s 20 million for you and another 20 million for you... what a nice symmetry.

Both causes I have no problem with, it's just the rather grubby, communal pay-off whiff about it which reeks.

The package for former members of the Part-Time reserve we knew about and Gerry has, very kindly, now just reminded the DUP he too managed to get HMG to handover for *his community* ("Acht na gaeilge" being the Irish Language Act, "this Blog" being Gerry Adams):
It means that Irish speakers are entitled to exactly the same rights as English speakers. It means Acht na Gaeilge. But Acht na Gaeilge is not the be all and end all of Irish language campaigning. It is a reasonable, necessary and modest legal entitlement. In this Blogs opinion it will be secured.
Not only that but the DUP know it will be secured!:
The DUP obviously didn’t want to deal with these matters at all but they certainly know that important issues like this are not going to go away. They know that it is only a matter of time before an Acht na Gaeilge becomes a reality.

Bearing in mind, Robbo’s "pledge" on the subject...:
We have a manifesto commitment against the introduction of an Irish Language Act. This was due to be introduced by Direct Rule. There will be no Irish language Act. sense the "battle a day" scenario isn't quite over yet.

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