Thursday, February 18, 2010


Written on their website in bold capitals; "IT'S TIME TO FACE FACTS":
The party is also calling for the creation of an UK wide Partnership Council for Fiscal Recovery, based on the social partnership model used by the Welsh Assembly Government for its successful Economic Summits. The Council would bring the UK government and devolved administrations together and representatives of local government, business, the trade unions and third sector. The Council would consider the pace and extent of plans to reduce the public sector deficit and its impact on the public and private sectors, although the devolved administrations would remain free to make their own spending decisions within their own budget allocations.
It has a distinct whiff of yet another layer of inhibiting governmental bureaucracy...but...full marks to Plaid Cymru anyway for facing the simple fact that a UK recession needs to be tackled on a UK basis. No point Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales getting the odd good parochial result if the UK's economy as a whole disappears down the plughole.

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