Monday, August 17, 2009

Thanks... all those who took the time to vote for "Unionist Lite" in the "Total Politics Top 20 Northern Irish Blogs poll"; for the second year running I've managed to trip over into third place. Also congratulations are in order to both Mick Fealty and Chekov for their well-deserved 1st and 2nd respectively.


Owen Polley said...

Thanks O'Neill and congrats. Great to see the begrudgers out in force on Iain Dale!

O'Neill said...

Cheers. Re the begrudgers, bizarre stuff, most of them seemed to believe that Dale had pulled the list either out thin air or his arse or wherever when it actually said on the post that in total over 1,000 folk had voted on the darn thing!

But just you wait until the Slugger ethno-nats get to hear of it- think I should tell them about the invaluable help we've received from the Securocrats and the Conservatives Online Dirty Tricks Dept?;)