Friday, June 5, 2009


Doncaster now has an English Democrat Mayor???!!!
Where's Wildgoose?!


Could be an interesting few years ahead in Doncaster:
The newly-elected mayor of Doncaster has threatened to cut funding to the town's Gay Pride event as part of his pledge to fight political correctness.

Peter Davies, of the English Democrats, said: "My policy on gays and lesbians is very simple.

"I don't think councils should be spending money on them parading through town advertising their sexuality."

Also pledging to cut translation services for non-English speakers.


Unknown said...

Jumping for Joy.

And I agree with Peter - any money spent by the Council that is raised from all the people should be spent upon all the people.

And I am 100% behind the removal of money spent on translation services. How can you have a community if its members are unable to communicate? And how are you going to overcome that if you keep paying for translators?

Peter's argument is that the money should be spent upon English lessons and that we then wouldn't need translators. Of course, you don't expect the media to actually tell the whole story, do you? It might sound reasonable, mature and sensible then.

Yorkshire English Democrats concentrated on the Doncaster Mayoralty because that is genuine Executive Power rather than a highly paid Yes/No to whatever the unelected bureaucrats in the EU Council of Ministers decide should be made law. Our European result will suffer, but we got the one that mattered.

tony said...

Did I mention somewhere about the English lurching to the right?

Here was me thinking that we could all live as nice neighbours. Now I'm thinking that we may need to ressurect the 'Auld alliance' wi La belle France just to stave off the tide of English fascism. ;¬)

Unknown said...

Oh, but Tony, you're the one belonging to the party that is Nationalist and Socialist...

tony said...

And your party belies it's own name wildgoose.

The SNP are certainly nationalist but I suspect not in the same way as your Englander Democrats are. And to an extent we are socialist, well in comparison to new labour anyhow. To somehow allude that we are Nazi's is ridiculous but on par with some of your previous standard of silly statements.

I am surprised that the good sensible people of the north of England are having anything to do with a bunch of fannies like yirsels or yir KKKin in the BNP.

O'Neill said...


"And I am 100% behind the removal of money spent on translation services"

The missus reliably informs me that he is severely restricted in what services he can remove eg everyone is entitled (by EU directive you'll be delighted to find out!) to a translator in court or in the event of problems regarding social benefits.

tony said...

You are correct O'neil except it is no EU directive it is enshrined in UK law in the Human Rights Act 1998. Which of course followed most of the ECHR.