Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Thursday Nonsense Round-Up

Lacking the energy to do a full post, so here’s a few snippits from round the Kingdom:

Adam Price attempts to take the piss:
"Adam Price: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will seek the addition of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to the UN's list of territories in the process of decolonisation".

Chris Bryant delivers appropriate slap to the naughty nat:
"Chris Bryant: The arrangements of Chapter XI of the UN Charter (Declaration regarding Non-Self Governing Territories) relate to former colonies for the purposes of domestic and international law. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are part of the UK".
(Cheers to The Croydonian)

Expenses now on file:
Martin McGuinness claimed £22.99 for a first-aid kit.
Peter Robinson needed a tub chair at £235.
Alasdair McDonnell charged 20 pence for staples and 22 pence for pencils.

Willie McCrea tribute to Speaker Martin
"I trust and pray that you will be able to leave this House with your head held high, being the defender of the ordinary members of this house, the backbenchers, and for that we shall be eternally grateful."

"Head held high"? Really?


Timothy Belmont said...

Does the Reverend Willie really mean that? He certainly strikes one as being singularly sincere. Sounds like flattery and platitudes to me.


Owen Polley said...

£235 for Iris Robinson's fountain pen!

O'Neill said...


Another rather bizarre fact considering their respective backgrounds, Speaker Martin spoke very warmly of the Hon Member for N.Antrim at Dr Paisley's leaving do.



Couple of points; who uses fountain pens in this day and age?
If she really must, then she should pop along to Dr Alastair's cheap as chips stationery supplier.

Timothy Belmont said...

Mutual appreciation, tit for tat and all that.