Friday, January 30, 2009

A sectarian dinosaur loses his mirror.

SF's chief black-propagandist appears confused:
The chief "crime" of the duo who headed the Consultative Group on the Past was that they refused to divide those bereaved in our 30-year dirty war into good victims (pro-British) and bad victims (pro-Irish).

No. Their chief "crime" is to assume that the victims (in all likelihood probably, "pro-Irish" according to the O'Muilleoir text-book) of the Shankill Butchers (who would most probably have described themselves as "pro-British") should be regarded in exactly as the same way as their murderers.
Not that difficult to understand, really.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the visit and comment.

It shook me a little, the rhetoric from a particular nationalist blogger. but I guess the Unionists must be rattling their cages.

Anonymous said...

Can't help but cringe when I see Unionists calling anyone sectarian. It's almost like stealing the pot and kettle, melting them down to make a brass neck out of.................well sort of. No offence.

O'Neill said...

Why would you cringe?
It's quite clear the contempt that you hold Unionism and I suspect individual Unionists in- in that case why does my and our opinion bother you so much?

Anonymous said...

I cringe because I'm sure there is a story you might be familiar with about the mote and beam.

You are quite correct about me holding bigoted Unionism, and Unionists in contempt.