Wednesday, January 7, 2009

And I thought it was the U(nited)K

If I understand this correctly, you can be “ethnically” Welsh in Scotland, but not in Wales.

You can however have Welsh "national identity" in Wales, but not Scotland.

It's unclear at this moment, whether in certain parts of the UK, you will be permitted to be English, Irish, Northern Irish, Scottish, Welsh and British

I know it’s a revolutionary idea in today’s Disunited Kingdom, but how about a nationwide census with a standard set of multiple options on national identity and ethnicity?


Alwyn ap Huw said...

I know that you don't like to let facts get in the way of an Unionist argument, but since 1801 the Census returns have NEVER been made on an UK basis. The England and Wales census has always been collected as seperate to the Scottish and Irish efforts.

Indeed the earliest census returns for England and Wales required a special note if a person was born in Ireland, Scotland, Foreign Parts or was an Invalid an Idiot or a Lunatic!

O'Neill said...

"Ah well, it's always been done that way" is not a sound enough justification for a system that is throwing up so many obvious anomalies.

Gareth said...

They're only anomalies if you start from the position that all nations of the UK should collect exactly the same data.

There are 'anomalies' between England and Canada too.