Friday, September 12, 2008

Mason defends SNP's paramilitary wing.

CRITICS of Glasgow's "Councillor Kalashnikov" were today branded racists and colonialists by the city's newest MP, John Mason.

I guess that also includes me.

This is er...explosive stuff from the SNP's newest MP:
"It is right for us to oppose the use of guns in Scotland. It is wrong for us to oppose the use of guns in Pakistan."

And how about opposing the use of guns in, for example, picking another troubled region just off the top of my head, Northern Ireland?

Nevertheless, a most interesting point of view for an elected UK political representative, I wonder what Mr Salmond thinks...


Anonymous said...

I know its fun to poke at the SNP, and richly deserved, but is going on holiday and firing a machine gun really all that bad? I have fired and owned lots of guns during my time in the USA and I always enjoyed it. Although I am a big 2nd Amendment man as well so I suppose at least I am not a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

SNP's paramilitary wing?!?!?!? Christ you talk total crap.

Anonymous said...

If any part of the SNP could be called paramilitary it would have been the odious 1320 Club which was banned by them a good few years ago.

O'Neill said...

All these "anonymous"es are becoming confusing; can we at least introduce an "Anonymous 1","Anonymous 2" method?
It really doesn't make it any easier for me (if I were interested in doing so, which I'm not) to trace where you come from.

Anyway, Anonymous 1:

I know its fun to poke at the SNP, and richly deserved, but is going on holiday and firing a machine gun really all that bad?

It's got to be taken in the cultural context and in cultural context of the UK getting your kids to fire off assault rifles would be considered "not the done thing", especially for an elected representative and especially for an elected representative of a party which has taken such a strong line on gun control.

Anonymous 2:
Quick! Duck! Whoosh!
Meet my friend Mr I R Nee.

Anonymous 3
What a lovely bunch of people they were! And what a good idea for a post