Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Take the Bait and Put Salmond on the Hook!

Responding to the survey, an SNP spokesman said: "This poll shows that the SNP is winning the support of the Scottish people with more Scots trusting the SNP to stick up for Scotland and more Scots backing Alex Salmond as first minister.

"The SNP is clearly the party in tune with the Scottish public."

Welllll, yes, according to this survey anyway, can't really argue with that first statement.

But for the second statement? A big, emphatic, juicy "no", at least on the SNP's raison d'etre, Scottish "independence":
Independence-A total of 23% said they were in favour of independence.

This figure has remained pretty steady or even declined slightly during the last decade, now is the perfect opportunity for the unionist parties to call Salmond's bluff and agree to his demands for a referendum on the subject.

As Annabel Goldie Scottish Conservative leader says:
"There is a clear implication for the three unionist parties - hold true to your principles, overwhelmingly Scotland agrees with you.

All that remains is for them to trust the electorate enough to deliver the deathblow to Salmond and the SNP's ultimate dream.

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