Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Welsh Labour to Vote "No" To Coalition?

Here’s one Unionist with the courage to tell the truth:

FOREIGN Office Minister Kim Howells has sensationally accused Rhodri Morgan of “helping to deliver our communities into the hands of nationalist incompetents and separatists”.

There will be a special Welsh Labour party conference on Friday to debate the proposed "One Wales" Coalition with Plaid Cymru and Howells, in a letter to officers and executive members of his own Pontypridd Constituency Labour Party, is calling for a "No" vote.

Four Labour Assembly members have also come out today and openly criticised the deal, an "overwhelming majority" of Welsh party members are said to have "serious concerns" about hopping in bed with the "nationalist incompetents and separtists".

The penny is starting to drop:

Labour MP Kim Howells is also said to have warned it would help "nationalists to the gates of independence."

And for the vast majority of Welsh people this "independence" would be an economic and social disaster.

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