Friday, January 15, 2010

Quote of the day

Edward McMillan-Scott:
"David Cameron risks leading the most eurosceptic government ever to take office in one of the EU's largest and most powerful countries,"
Since the UK's population is the most eurosceptic of the EU's "largest and powerful countries", that government will only be reflecting the opinion of the people then, won't it?


tony said...

Whilst it is probably true that the English are a wee bit Europhobic the same cannot be said of the Scots. So Cameron may will win the UK general election but it will be the English nation only that his views represent.

Happy new year btw!

James Quigley said...

There's a bit of truth in there Tony about the regional nature of Euroscepticism, but just how sceptical are the English and what form does it take? If given the opportunity in a referendum would they really vote to leave the Union or are they just content to complain about gravy trains and crack jokes about bendy bananas and what constitutes a Cornish pastie? We still don't really know. Certainly parties that are openly pro-withdrawal (UKIP, BNP, etc) never do that well in Westminster elections. I genuinely don't think the British are as overwhelmingly hostile to Europe as some make out.

I'm also interested and pleased to see the result so far of the (admittedly unscientific!) poll to the right of this page - a majority in favour of EU membership. Wunderbar!

O'Neill said...

Being sceptic about the EU is not the same as disliking mainlanders(!)- eg SF is most definitely EU-Sceptic you wouldn't call them Europhobic would you.

And belated greatings for 2010!

tony said...

Re-SF views of the EU and the little Englander views of Europe voiced by the Tories. Please tell me you are pulling my chain in attemting to compare them.................please!!!!

As a fellow poly anorak I am insulted that you are even trying on the comparison.

tony said...


Miraculously your comment has just appeared under my first(I didn't ignore it)

I'm not sure I agree with your analysis or else Labour would not have reneged on the promised Lisbon vote, nor the Tories run away from promising it. But who knows really. Seems to me that politicians don't like referendums that they think will lose, same goes for the Scottish one on independence. We are forever bombarded with polls predicting a 2 to 1 vote against.......................and yet.....