Thursday, December 11, 2008

Conor believes the north of Ireland will soon become the north of Ireland.

Whilst Alex Salmond has slated 2010 as the date for a Scottish Separation referendum in Scotland, Conor Murphy has said he thinks some time before 2016, perhaps... maybe... you never know... could (theoretically) be a good time for Northern Irish voters to have their next Border Referendum.

He further opined that "reunification was not a spectator sport" and because of "fading international attention" and "economic and political realities" we'll soon have to "ultimately to take charge of ouselves". "In the end". Because we'll "start to realise that we're a small island". Or, something roughly along those lines.

And to think I accused Irish nationalism of "intellectual bankrupcy" the other day... with insights like Conor's providing the "unstoppable momentum", the 32 County Nirvana must be just round the corner.


Alasdair O'Hara said...

Well thats certainly optimistic, with support for reunification at only 23%. I guess Conor is going to have to convince 3.5% of the population of the merits of a UI each year. I suppose periodically making the Government they are part of look incompetant by not being able to meet will make everyone listen to them.

O'Neill said...

I guess Conor is going to have to convince 3.5% of the population of the merits of a UI each year.

He better keep at those post-boxes then!