Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Barnett Formula- The Argument For and Against

In August, DUP ML(of the defunct)A, Arlene Foster pondered:
What, for example, would the Ulster Tories, ie the UUP once it abolishes itself, do if Prime Minister Cameron wants to rip up the Barnett Formula (as he has hinted publicly he wants to) because it discriminates against England in favour of Scotland and Ulster?

The UUP will find themselves in the bizarre situation of having to vote for huge cuts in money coming to Ulster in the Treasury block grant — money that goes to health, roads and education — at the behest of their London HQ. Good luck selling that on the doorsteps Reg!

As far as I know, this is the only time the DUP has mentioned publicly the Barnett Formula and I interpreted* Mrs Foster's words as meaning that the DUP were in favour of retaining it. That being the case, I thought it would make for an interesting article on here, if I could post the DUP's arguments for retention of the Formula and match them against those of probably its harshest critic, a representative of the Campaign for an English Parliament. Emails where sent to both, but to date (two weeks later) only the latter has replied and agreed to put the case (against).

So, here's an open, public challenge to any Dupers (or indeed anyone else reading): I'm now giving you the opportunity to follow up on Arlene's words and provide a defence of Barnett; to do so, you can either email or drop it in the comments below. If nothing is forthcoming within the next few days, then I'll post up the argument against next week.

*If anyone is aware of the official DUP policy (and surely, there must be one?) on Barnett and it differs from my interpretation, again, please feel free to email me or post it up in the comments.

**You'll also note that my latest poll is on the subject, only two options this time!

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